Friday, February 5, 2010

What Does Urine Culture Say Does A Urine Culture Always Show Up Correct Results?

Does a urine culture always show up correct results? - what does urine culture say

The son of urgency and always show the incidence of urinary tract infection? Can I say more? Culture is the urine test fails? May fail? If so, why do not you sometimes infection?


yathay said...

There is no such thing as 100% accurate test for everything.

And with the symptoms, we believe most things, but the body is complex and the symptoms are often misleading. For example, dental pain is a symptom of a heart attack.

yathay said...

There is no such thing as 100% accurate test for everything.

And with the symptoms, we believe most things, but the body is complex and the symptoms are often misleading. For example, dental pain is a symptom of a heart attack.

yathay said...

There is no such thing as 100% accurate test for everything.

And with the symptoms, we believe most things, but the body is complex and the symptoms are often misleading. For example, dental pain is a symptom of a heart attack.

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